of South County, Rhode Island
by Martha R. McPartland
In colonial America, graduates of medical schools were few and far between. In Rhode Island there were only five medical school graduates practicing in 1800and the first medical degree awarded in the state was a Brown University in 1814. Prior to that period, from its founding in 1636, Rhode Island had many men called "Doctor" with little or no qualifications to back up their title. Some were the seventh son of a seventh son, and so believed to be endowed with special healing power; some were charlatans with a smattering of education and glib tongues, who took advantage of misfortune and ignorance; still others had a natural flair for caring for the sick and were able to relieve much suffering. In the last category was a remarkable family from the southern part of Rhodes Island called, and still recalled, as the "Bonesetter Sweets."
The Sweets were an old Rhode Island family whose progenitor, John Sweet (1)*[this asterick means nothing to me as it is not included in the notes I, Allyson Wood, copied], came to the state from Salem, Massachusetts in 1637. Of Welsh extraction, family tradition has it that their forbears in Wales had this innate facility for helping the sick. James Sweet (2)*, son of the immigrant, John (1), was the first of the American "Bonesetter Sweets". He was born in 1622, came to Rhode Island with his parents, married Mary Greene and settled in what is commonly called South County, and more correctly named Washington County. Of the nine children of James and Mary Sweet, only Benoni (3) born in 1663, became a bonesetter. Traditionally, Benoni is said to have had a flowery and polished manner - perhaps a forerunner of the bedside manner possessed by some of today's medical men! He was a respected member of the community and communicant of the historic Narragansett Church. When he died in 1751, Dr. James McSarren, rector of the church, delivered a glowing eulogy.
The inherited ability to set bones was not regarded by the Sweets as a vocation, but rather as an avocation. They were artisans by calling - stonemasons, blacksmiths, wheel-wrights and carpenters. Bonesetting was a sideline, as is demonstrated by an advertisement in the Providence Journal of February 16, 1830 and printed at the top or the first page of this article.
The remarkable part of this family was the fact that they never exploited their natural ability. Not on of them sought fame or fortune through this medium. The father usually selected one or two of his sons, probably those who showed a tendency in that direction, and instructed them in bonesetting. The Sweets did not deem this a magicaal thing, but more of an inherited knowledge acquired from their elders. They handled fractures, sprains, and dislocations with a skill to be envied by an orthopedic physician. Their skill was in the manipulation of bones but they were known to use herbs, ointments, and skunk grease in massaging too. Their knack was thought uncanny, as they so often succeeded where others, more learned and "better trained" had failed. Instances naming local doctors who failed to relieve suffering that was later relieved by one of the Sweets have become a part of South County folklore.
Dr. Benoni Sweet (3) selected his son, James (4), to carry on the family art. James was born in 1688 and not too much is known of his successes, but it was Job Sweet (5), son of James, who gained national recognition and established their bonesetting reputation. Job (5) was born in 1724 and married Jemima Sherman in 1750. He lived all his life in the South County section of Rhode Island. During the Revolutionary War, Dr. Job, as he was called, was sent to Newport to set bones of French officers, an operation their own doctors would not attempt. After the war, Aaron Burr, later Vice-President of the united States, sent for him to minister to his daughter, Theodosia,Who had a dislocated hipbone. Dr. Job, rather reluctantly, journeyed to New York and was there greeted by Colonel Burr, their family doctor, and several other learned medical men, Job was not happy about having an audience. They suggested that a specific hour - ten o'clock the next morning - be set for the operation. After they had left the house, Job talked soothingly to Theodosia, who was in great pain, and explained to her his methods. When he had eased her fears, he asked her father if he could place his hands on her hip to locate the trouble. Colonel Burr consented and, after a few minutes, Job said to her, "Now walk around the room" and much to the surprise of Theodosia and her father she did just that -- and without pain. When the medical team arrived the next morning Job was well on his way back to Rhode Island and Theodosia's hip was properly set and on the mend. Two of Job's (5) sons were natural bonesetters, Benoni (6), born in 1762 and Jonathan (6), born in 1765. Benoni married and lived in Lebanon, Connecticut, where he continued the Sweet tradition of amazing people with his propensity for healing. Jonathan settled in Sugar Loaf hill in South Kingstown. He married Sally Sweet and pursued his trade of blacksmithing. He trained his son, Job (7) in both smithing and bonesetting. The only "hinderance" they asked for their bonesetting services was enough to pay for the time lost in shoeing a horse!
"Shepherd Tom" Hazard (recollections of Olden Times by Thomas Robinson Hazard, J. N. Sanborn, pub. Newport, R. I. c. 1879), a South Kingstown diarist who knew Jonathan Sweet (6), once inquired of him, when he was setting the thigh bone of a colored boy, just how it was done. Jonathan replied that he could not explain it, but that in his mind's eye he could see every skeletal bone and knew just where it should be placed. This same knowledge was displayed by Dr. Job (5) of Aaron Burr fame, when he was being shown through a medical science hall in Boston by a learned doctor. Glancing at a skeleton exhibited there, Dr. Job remarked that he had never seen a "tominy" before but that there was a little bone upside down in the foot of that one. His learned friend protested but on closer examination admitted that such was the case.
Many South County people recall incidents relating to this remarkable family. "Shepherd Tom" Hazard, considered a reputable historian to illustrate the complete lack of avarice in the Sweet family. Hazard met William Sweet (7), son of Jonathan, on the street in Peacedale, South Kingstown and while chatting with him, discovered that he was returning from a visit to Newport where he had been called to set the arm of a man who had fallen from a haymow. "How much do you charge for a visit across the bay?" inquired Hazard. "Why," answered Sweet, "I have been very unlucky. In going I was detained all night and most of the next day on Conanicut Island by bad weather, and I got over so late I was obliged to stop all night at a tavern in Newport. Then I had to walk six miles out of town to fix the man's arm, and had to stay another night in Newport. Now it is nearly sundown, and I have not got home yet, so I had to charge him pretty bad - eight dollars". Hazard figured that from his eight dollars, William Sweet had to deduct four ferry fares of 40 to 60 cents each and two tavern bills for food and lodging, to say nothing of traveling some 20 miles on foot and losing four days work!
In some instances the bonesetting was performed by Sweet descendants not bearing the family name, as was the case of Edward (Bunk) Harvey (9) in South Kingstown, whose mother was Frances Sweet (8), daughter of William, Edward Harvey was a crossing tender who plied his bonesetting trade in South County. An admirer told of his cousin who, while playing baseball in 1917 as a youngster of 13, was struck in the leg by a ball, which resulted in a large, painful swelling of his lower leg. He was under the care of the most skilled of local doctors and after three months, was still in the same condition. One of his doctors recommended that he consult "Bunk" Harvey, with the admonition not to tell of the referral. The boy, some 40 years later, gave the following account of the treatment: "BGunk ran his hand up the front of my leg from the ankle to the knee, then with one quick snap of his thumb he twisted the bunch on my leg. It hurt like Hell for a minute, then the pain disappeared, and the lump was gone. Bunk told me that two cords had become twisted one on top of the other. That leg hasn't bothered me since."
Generations followed by generation of this bonesetting family and branches appeared in many parts of the county. Some of them went to Upper New York State and others to Massachusetts and Connecticut, where their prowess as bonesetters came to light in local histories and genealogies. The last practitioner bearing the Sweet name in South County was Dr. Benoni Sweet (8), son of William (7) and Martha Tourgee Sweet. Benoni was born in South Kingstown on September 23, 1840. He married Eliza Eaton and settled down in Wakefield, Rhode Island. He was a stonemason and worked at this trade for a number of years, but on the death of his brother, George (8), in the 1890's he assumed the family profession of bonesetting. The Rhode Island Medical society thought enough of dr. Benoni and his ability to present him with a certificate to practice medicine in Rhode Island. He was unusually successful in his practice and on the very day he died, April 21, 1922, reduced the fracture of a boy's wrist.
In late years the Sweets have gone on to obtain medical degrees. One of these, Dr. John Sweet (1884-1950), was a practicing physician in Newport, Rhode Island. He is quoted in an article by P. P. Swett in the Connecticut Medical Journal for 1946: "It is my belief that the reputation of the Sweet family for skill in setting bones was often deserved; but quite frequently the flind faith created by popular superstitions covered up many mistakes in the past which would be revealed by x-ray today. The mechanical principles which brought success to the Sweets are the same which are found scientifically sound today. Folk stories concerning the achievements of the Sweet family have led to the belief that there as as natural gift for bonesetting and that no training for the art was necessary. This belief is in complete variance with the facts. From early childhood the boys of the family have seen their parents perform bonesetting operations and the principles of the procedures have been explained in careful detail."
Dr. John Sweet's statement bears out modernization and conversion of the natural bonesetting Sweets into licensed and reputable physicians, as he became a member of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgeons, thus combining his inherent ability with professional knowledge. So, be it North, South, East or West, any orthopedic surgeon named Sweet may well be a descendant of that unusual and fascinating clan of "Bonesetter Sweets" of South County, Rhode Island.
The Natural Bonesetters with Special Reference to the Sweet Family of Rhode Island by Robert J. T. Joh, M.D. from the Bulletin of Medicine Vol. XXVIII, No. 5, Sept-Oct 1954.
Orthopedic Surgery in Connecticut by P. P. Sweet, from the Connecticut State Medical Journal, 1946.
Recollections of Olden Times by Thomas R. Hazard, Newport, R.I. Sanborn, 1870.
History of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett, Rhode Island by Wilkens Updike, Boston, Mass, Merrymount Press, 1907.
Newspaper clippings, photgraphs, and valuable genealogical information were furnished most graciously by George Sweet of Wakefield, R.I. and Mrs. George Crandall of Cranston, R.I., both descendants of the "Bonesetter Sweets," and by the Pettoquamscutt Historical Society of Kingston, R.I.
Article written in the January 1968 YANKEE
Not pretty, this is more a research log for myself. I am looking for Amos Sweet, husband of Dorcas, with a daughter Sarah Grace Sweet Warren Wood
brought to you by Dean and Allyson Wood
for your researching benefit.
for your researching benefit.
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- ⍉ Mercy's husband, Amos
- ⍉David's Son, Amos of Beekman
- ⍉ Hannah's son , Amos of Attleboro
- ⍉ Amos from Otsego, Mohawk country
- Grafton Amos
- ⍉ Amos, of Ulysses is believed to be the same as from Attleborough
- Amos of Cayuga
- ⍉ Dorcas Sweet
Hello, and thank you for this posting. My name is Jim Gilkeson. My grandmother was Susan Sweet Gilkeson, a descendant of the Sweet family you write about. I became aware of the bonesetters in the family several years ago. This of particular interest to me because of the direction I have gone professionally, namely craniosacral therapy, which is a branch of osteopathy and has more than a little resonance with the art of bone setting. I ran across your post while researching the Sweets and the story about Theodisia Burr. Would you be open to correspondence if I have some questions? Thanks very much! ~Jim Gilkeson, Ashland, OR
ReplyDeletePS: My email address is jgilkesn@earthlink.net. I am also on the Internet at www.jimgilkeson.com.
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother was a Sweet. I can "feel" when someone has a broken bone. It started when I was 25 and I was in work. Two fellow employees came up to me and one said "Look at Tommy's hand.” I said Tommy your hand is broken. He replies no the company doctor says it is sprained and I been sticking it the whirlpool for a week. I looked at him and said you go to the emergency room when you get out of work! Poor guy they had to break it again and reset it. Another time I saw a lady fall on the sidewalk and called 911, later I learned she had broken an arm. I was there when my mother fell and felt it right away. Not long after I walked next door looked at that lady and said you broke something, sure enough it was a scapula. I’m at the local Subway and I get a strong feeling. There behind the counter the server has an ace bandage on his leg, I am thinking this is bad. When I checked back the next week he said that he had broken it in three places. So one day my son comes hobbling thru the door, claims he broke a bone in his foot. No you didn’t was my quick reply. My wife insisted I take him to the emergency room, x-ray done. Technician says that he cracked a bone, I tell my wife and we have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. But, I did add that I did not believe the technician because I did not “feel” anything. Go to the doctor and he says my son is fine. I tell him what the technician said and he replies that is why they are not supposed to give out information because they are not always right. I have others but I will give one more. My mother passed away and after the service some of my cousins are together and I am telling them about my broken bone stories. One of them looks at the other two and says “Yes, it happen to me.” While I didn’t remember it, she said we were in her store and I said to her you have a broken bone in your foot. Goes to the doctor and he finds nothing. About a year later she goes to another foot doctor and she said “Why didn’t you have this broken bone fixed?” My cousin said that I had said that it was broken but since the first doctor saw nothing wrong she had assumed I was wrong.
Very interesting. So glad that you shared it. That "bone-setting feel" might be in the DNA.
DeleteI am a direct descendant of this line. Verified by record and by DNA testing. My last name is Sweet and my grandfather 'Ben' was short for Benoni. When he was younger he had a chance to visit relatives in Wakefield RI and went to the cemetery there, upon seeing the name Benoni on a family plot statuary, he became a bit shaken. It was such rare name that he never expected to see it. One point in the genealogy...there is no actual proof the Sweets came from Wales. For some reason it has made it into their history. The only history of the Sweets in the line from Devon and specifically Modbury and a residence in Hackney (London). Their history goes back to 870.
ReplyDeleteI am Taylor Sweet - 1st son of Charles Sweet - 2nd Son of Aaron Sweet. James Bonesetter is at the top of my patriarchal line in America, to which I have found that Sir John Issac Sweet was his daddy. I used Familysearch.org to discover this, as well as other resources such as this page in specific. I made it from sir john issac to Robert Svete. From around 1300ish... Svete literally translating out to mean "the smooth faced ones" in a language that escapes me now. I called Old Traine when I learned of it. And my coat of arms hewn into the archway of the stonewall around it. We were given that land by the king of england I believe for our service in the war of the Rose's, or some war just before or after it I believe, all the exact dates i would have to go back and look up. But in any case, i am hopeful to see this place again, rumor has it that some sweet's are buried under the floor boards at old traine. Apparently it has been sold to some sort of estate though, that rents it out for weekend stays or trips to the devonshire. I had to buy international minutes to call that place, only to get a cold reception, with the lady telling me she would have the owner of the estate, "call me back.. but I would very much like to know more of this history. I know james bonesteel still holds land in providence possibly. Stone Castle is an abandoned empty lot, last I looked. And was originally owned by james bonesetter. I hope this reaches someone who can tell me more. This is literally my direct patriarchal line all of firstborns except my dad. He was a second son, just like james.
DeleteI am very interested in the name Benoni. There just aren't that many out there.
DeleteThanks for sharing your insight.
I also hope someone can reach out with more info. I'm about to the end of my possibilities.
DeleteMy name is John Sweet. My aunt's genealogy tells me our family immigrated to Salem in 1636, and quickly moved to Providence with Roger Williams.(reputedly after shooting governed Endicott's wolf-dog.) We may be related. However I assure you I don't shoot dogs.I feel confident that you don't either.a
ReplyDeleteLol. Thanks for reaching out.
ReplyDeleteI am a decendant of John/James/Benoni/James/Job/Benoni/Stephen is my 4th great grandfather. I love this history!!
ReplyDeleteJames Bonesetter Sweet is the oldest on my father's-father's line in American history. Straight up great great great great great..... Granddaddy!!! Love you James Bonesetter Sweet! From Taylor Controls Engineer Sweet! Him and Mary Greene!! John comes from a line of Knights out of Modbury Devonshire region. Loves. Taylor
ReplyDeleteJohn Isaac Sweet, immigrant to America, is my 11th great-grandfather. Your article led me down a rabbit-hole to read all I could find on the "Bonesetting Sweets", especially as I retired after 39 years as a Physical Therapist (I wanted to become a Chiropractor, but my dad was a Physical Therapist..). Interesting story about Dr Job Sweet helping Aaron Burr's daughter's hip, as my 5th great-grandmother Rachel Sweet (1761-1850) married William Miller, my 5th great grandfather (1757-1840); the Whiskey Rebellion (which started when Alexander Hamilton wanted to put a tax on anyone who owned a still), which many small rye farmers, mainly Scots-Irish, living in the Western Pennsylvania area had, which allowed them to eek out a living). A Federal Marshall along with General John Neville (appointed by George Washington) arrived at William Miller's property, and my 5th great-grandfather refused to accept the summons; shots were fired over the heads of the Federal Marshall and Gen. Neville. The next day, William Millers 12 yr old nephew was shot and killed (the first death of the Whiskey Rebellion). So my Millers (and Rachel Sweet) were not fond of Alexander Hamilton, whom was later shot and killed in a duel with Aaron Burr, who became the 3rd Vice President under Thomas Jefferson. Small world.