1800 CENSUS SEARCH: (Sarah would have been aged 0-1)
In 1800, there are three Amos Sweet's that are the head of households. Other members of the family are not listed in this census, but are a tally mark in the correct age group. The three Amos' are:
- Amos Sweet: Beekman, Dutchess, New York
- Amos Sweet: Ulysses, Cayuga, New York
- Amos Sweet: Burlington, Otsego, New York. (2)
1. Amos Sweet, living next door [house #309 of census]. His family includes:
..............males aged 0-9
..............1 males aged 10-15
..............1 males aged 16-25
..............1 males aged 26-44 (?Amos?)
..............1 females aged 0-9
..............1 females aged 10-15
..............1 females aged 16-25
..............1 females aged 26-44 (?Dorcas?)
2. Amos Sweet, from Ulysses, Cayuga, New York. His family includes:
..............4 males aged 0-9
..............2 males aged 10-15
..............1 males aged 45 or older
..............1 females aged 0-9
..............1 females aged 10-15
..............1 females aged 26-44
3. Amos Sweet from Burlington, Otsego, New York. His family includes:
..............1 male age 0-9
..............1 male 26-44
..............2 females age 0-9
..............1 female age 26-45
To make sure that I didn't miss another Amos that may have been indexed under another name, I did a line by line search for Amos in Stephentown and Hoosick, both of Rensselaer, New York. There were no Amos' living there that were enumerated in 1800. (6)
There remains the possibility that Amos and his wife Dorcas were living with one of their family members and was only enumerated as a tally mark with their daughter Sarah Grace.
1810 CENSUS SEARCH: (Sarah Grace would have been 10-11)
In the year 1810, there are only two Amos Sweet's that show up on a name search in Heritage Quest. Another is included in FamilySearch's results. They include:
1. Amos Sweet in Beekman, Dutchess, New York. His household includes:
.............. 2 males aged 0-9
..............2 males age 10-15
..............1 male age 26-44
..............1 female aged 10-15
..............1 female aged 16-25
..............1 other free person.
..............They also have 2 horses, 3 cattle and 10 sheep.
4. Amos Sweet in Attleboro, Bristol, Massachusetts. (Ruled out because of birth records of children)
..............1 male, aged 0-9 (Amos, age 5)
..............1 male, aged 10-15 (Sumner, age 9-10)
..............1 male, aged 16-25
..............1 male, aged 26-44 (Amos, age 44)
..............2 female, aged 0-9 (Margaret, age 8; Hannah, age 0)
..............2 female, aged 10-15 (Sally, age 13/14; Clarisa age 11/12)
..............1 female, aged 26-44 (wife, Sally Sweet, age 33)
Massachusetts have superior records and a birth record for this Amos is easily found.
4. Amos Sweet, was born 30 Jan 1766 to Amos Sweet and Sally Sweet in Attleboro, Bristol, Massachusetts. (10) This would make him about 44 years old in this census. Amos married Sally Sweet on 16 Jun 1796, also in Attleboro. She was born 19 Aug 1777. (11, 12) Sally would have been 33 at the time of this census.
Amos and Sally Sweet had the follow children in 1810, all born in Attleboro, Bristol, Massachusetts.
- Sally Sweet, born 3 October 1796 (aged 13-14 in 1810) (13)
- Clarisa Sweet, born 9 Jun 1798 (aged 11-12 in 1810) (14)
- Sumner Sweet, born 27 May 1800 (age 9-10 in 1810) (15)
- Margaret Sweet, born 14 Feb 1802 (age 8 in 1810) (16)
- Amos Sweet, born 3 Dec 1804 (age 5 in 1810) (17)
- Hannah Sweet, born 19 Feb 1810 (age 0 in 1810) (18)
Although Sarah Grace has never been attached to Attleboro, that I know of, the birth date of Amos has been used at times. The Amos Sweet from Attleboro, born 30 Jan 1766, is a distant relative to Sarah Grace, but is most definitely proven to not be her father.
In 1800 the "Sweat" family is starting to move into New York. in the 1800 Census there are five Sweat's including: Eleazer, Elijah, Elijah Jr., and Stephen in Chenango County, and Rincon Sweat in Queens. (19)
By 1810, the "Sweat's" have begun moving into the Rennslaer area, with 20 households living in that county. In Grafton we find an Amos as well as two other households.
#5 Amos Sweat of Grafton, Rennslaer,New York is among the first in the census to show them living in Rensselaer County, New York
Grafton: Asa Sweat page 350
Widow Sweat page 351
Amos Sweat page 351 (5 away from widow) both aged 16-25
Other areas in Rensselaer and their Sweet residence include:
Berlin: Laml
Luther. FindaGrave #84977361 shows Luther was born Apr. 3, 1783 in North Kingstown, Washington, Rhode Island. He died 3 Nov, 1861 and is buried in the Sweet Family Cemetery. Luther married Sarah Sweet (1783-1850). Children attached to him there that would have been with him in the 1810 census show Lutch Jr, (1805-1853); Sarah Sweet (1807-1850) and possibly Hannah Ann (1810-1821). (22) (27 in 1810.)
Saml T. A possible match for this Samuel can be found on Findagrave, marker #22301788. Samuel Jr. was born 20 July 1756 in East Greenwich, Kent, Rhode Island to Samuel Sweet and Lydia Ellis. He died 18 Jun 1819 in Berlin, Rensselaer, New York. He married Elizabeth Griggs on 10 January 1789. They were the parents of Holden Sweet, born May 1792 and died 5 September, 1866. Holden married Polly Denison. He is buried in the Center Berlin Baptist Cemetery in Berlin Rensselaer, New York.
Hoosick: Freeburn
Petersburg: James
Stephentown: Benj
Jno J
Nathan Jr.
Most of the names of Sweat were compared against Alford Sweet's Descendants of John Sweet, to no avail. These names are not typical Sweet names that have previously been compiled. (21)
A list of Interments in Rensselaer County on the USGenWeb, shows many Sweets having lived in the area. The name returns to "Sweet" as there are no "Sweat"s listed as there was in the 1810 census.
Findagrave shows Amos B. Sweet born 1 September 1790, died 5 January 1847 at 56y 4m 4d. He married Lucy Sweet born 24 January 1791, died 21 June 1872 aged 81y 4m 28d.
New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971, Dutchess, Wills 1751-1796 vol AA and A, pages 113-115
FamilySearch images: Image 72 and 73 of 465 https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-28666-9895-68?cc=1920234&wc=M9S9-Y5J:712963436
[about half way down the page page number stamped in right hand corner 113]
Written in the most beautiful script:
In the name of God Amen, I David Sweet of the town of
of Beekman in the county of Dutchess and State of New
York being weak in body but of sound mind and memory
do this 11th day of January in the year of our Lord
Eighteen hundred and one make and publish this my
last Will and Testament - In manner and following _siz or biz:__
I will that all of my just-debts and funeral charges be
paid by my Executors hereafter named I also will and
hereby give unto my son Amos Sweet all my right-
and Title to the farm whereon I now live on dindition off his
taking care of and providing for my wife Mary during her
life I also will and order that all other Estate be
equally divided between my sons Johnathan Sweet, Elna-
than Sweet - David Sweet - John Sweet - Amos Sweet - and
my daughter Catharine Stafford Marcy Irish and the
heirs of my daughter Eunice Brayton deceased And I
do hereby constitude and appoint - my brother Elnathan
Sweet and his son Jonathan Sweet Executors to this my
last Will and Testament and I do hereby wake and
disavor all other Wills by me heretofore made hereby
ratifying this to be my last-Will and Testament - In witness
& confirmation whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix
my seal the day and year above written I also on further
[114 page number stamped in left hand corner - new page]
consideration constitute and appoint my son Amos
Sweet to be executors with my friend Jonathan
Sweet above mentioned and on account of the advan-
ced age of my brother Elnathan above mentioned
do hereby excuse him from the burden of the Execut-
ion of this my last Will
David Sweet - DS
Signed Sealed published and declared by the
above testator as his last Will and Testament in
the presence of us who were called as witnesses.
Thomas Baker Jr
David Sweet
Eben Cary
Dutchess County SS - Be it remembered that on
the 17th day of April One thousand Eight hundred and
five personally appeared before me named James
Tallmadge Surrogate of the said County who on his
oath declared that he did see David Sweet sign and
seal the amended written instrument puporting to be the
Will of the said David Sweet bearing date the 11th day
of January one thousand eight hundred and one
and heard him publish and declare the same as
for his Will and Testament That at the time
thereof he the said David Sweet was of sound disposing
mind and memory to the best of his knowledge and
belief of the deponent And that Thomas Baker Jr
David Sweet and the deponent severally subscribed
the said Will as witnessed thereto in the testators presence
James Tallmadge Jr
Dutchess County SS - Be it remembered that on
the 17th day of April one thousand eight hundred and
five Jonathan Sweet one of the Executors of the amended
Will of David Sweet likewise appeared before me the
said James Tallmadge Jr and was duly affirmed
to the true execution and performance of the said
[next page]
Will by his taking the affirmation of an executor as [stamped in corner 115]
by him appointed.
James Tallmadge
New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971, Dutchess, Wills 1751-1796 vol AA and A, pages 113-115
FamilySearch images: Image 72 and 73 of 465 https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-28666-9895-68?cc=1920234&wc=M9S9-Y5J:712963436
[about half way down the page page number stamped in right hand corner 113]
Written in the most beautiful script:
In the name of God Amen, I David Sweet of the town of
of Beekman in the county of Dutchess and State of New
York being weak in body but of sound mind and memory
do this 11th day of January in the year of our Lord
Eighteen hundred and one make and publish this my
last Will and Testament - In manner and following _siz or biz:__
I will that all of my just-debts and funeral charges be
paid by my Executors hereafter named I also will and
hereby give unto my son Amos Sweet all my right-
and Title to the farm whereon I now live on dindition off his
taking care of and providing for my wife Mary during her
life I also will and order that all other Estate be
equally divided between my sons Johnathan Sweet, Elna-
than Sweet - David Sweet - John Sweet - Amos Sweet - and
my daughter Catharine Stafford Marcy Irish and the
heirs of my daughter Eunice Brayton deceased And I
do hereby constitude and appoint - my brother Elnathan
Sweet and his son Jonathan Sweet Executors to this my
last Will and Testament and I do hereby wake and
disavor all other Wills by me heretofore made hereby
ratifying this to be my last-Will and Testament - In witness
& confirmation whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix
my seal the day and year above written I also on further
[114 page number stamped in left hand corner - new page]
consideration constitute and appoint my son Amos
Sweet to be executors with my friend Jonathan
Sweet above mentioned and on account of the advan-
ced age of my brother Elnathan above mentioned
do hereby excuse him from the burden of the Execut-
ion of this my last Will
David Sweet - DS
Signed Sealed published and declared by the
above testator as his last Will and Testament in
the presence of us who were called as witnesses.
Thomas Baker Jr
David Sweet
Eben Cary
Dutchess County SS - Be it remembered that on
the 17th day of April One thousand Eight hundred and
five personally appeared before me named James
Tallmadge Surrogate of the said County who on his
oath declared that he did see David Sweet sign and
seal the amended written instrument puporting to be the
Will of the said David Sweet bearing date the 11th day
of January one thousand eight hundred and one
and heard him publish and declare the same as
for his Will and Testament That at the time
thereof he the said David Sweet was of sound disposing
mind and memory to the best of his knowledge and
belief of the deponent And that Thomas Baker Jr
David Sweet and the deponent severally subscribed
the said Will as witnessed thereto in the testators presence
James Tallmadge Jr
Dutchess County SS - Be it remembered that on
the 17th day of April one thousand eight hundred and
five Jonathan Sweet one of the Executors of the amended
Will of David Sweet likewise appeared before me the
said James Tallmadge Jr and was duly affirmed
to the true execution and performance of the said
[next page]
Will by his taking the affirmation of an executor as [stamped in corner 115]
by him appointed.
James Tallmadge
New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971- Dutchess, Wills 1796-1806 vol B Image 328 of 418
FamilySearch online images: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1961-28664-40710-37?cc=1920234&wc=M9S9-Y5R:n1102208463
Page 515 and 516 in the book: This is another copy, appearing to be more "work book" in appearance. Signed and approved in Poughkeepsie.
New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971- Dutchess, Wills 1796-1806 vol B Image 328 of 418
FamilySearch online images: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1961-28664-40710-37?cc=1920234&wc=M9S9-Y5R:n1102208463
Page 515 and 516 in the book: This is another copy, appearing to be more "work book" in appearance. Signed and approved in Poughkeepsie.
Index of deeds - Grantor Index 1718-1950 Smi-Sz, copy, image 397 of 447
Index of deeds - Grantee Index 1718-1950 Smi-Sz, copy, Image 314 of 347
Elnathan's land from Beekman - image 255 of 662, Deeds 1774-1788 vol 7-9 copy
Albany land records SWEET Mortgagee index 1755-1829
image 366 - Teunis Swaet
367 - Josias J. Swaet or
367 David Sweat Book 13 248
371 Simeon or Sineca Sweet through 372
Rensselaer land records SWEET Mortgagee index 1791-1866 O-Z
Grantee Index 1791-1895 P-T Rensselaer
page 456 of 579
Grantor Index 1718-1950 S
Image 871 of 916 begins the Swe
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-32716-8167-84?cc=2078654&wc=M9M4-VFY:718818441 nothing good. No Amos'. Elnathan is with Lydia, and is an Uncle at the closest. Did not figure out the relationship
Index of deeds - Grantor Index 1718-1950 Smi-Sz, copy, image 397 of 447
Index of deeds - Grantee Index 1718-1950 Smi-Sz, copy, Image 314 of 347
Elnathan's land from Beekman - image 255 of 662, Deeds 1774-1788 vol 7-9 copy
Albany land records SWEET Mortgagee index 1755-1829
image 366 - Teunis Swaet
367 - Josias J. Swaet or
367 David Sweat Book 13 248
371 Simeon or Sineca Sweet through 372
Rensselaer land records SWEET Mortgagee index 1791-1866 O-Z
Grantee Index 1791-1895 P-T Rensselaer
page 456 of 579
Grantor Index 1718-1950 S
Image 871 of 916 begins the Swe
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-32716-8167-84?cc=2078654&wc=M9M4-VFY:718818441 nothing good. No Amos'. Elnathan is with Lydia, and is an Uncle at the closest. Did not figure out the relationship
1. Sarah Sweet Warren Wood by her Granddaughter Nora Wood Carter. Published online by Cathie Owens. http://www.bobcatsworld.com/family/Sarah%20Sweet%20Warren%20Wood.pdf.
2. 1800 United States Census Heritage Quest for Amos Sweet.
3. Amos Sweet from Beekman, 1800 United States Census, Heritage Quest online, New York State, Dutchess County, Beekman town, Series: M32, Roll: 21, Page 13. Accessed Sep 18, 2013. http://persi.heritagequestonline.com.ulc.idm.oclc.org/hqoweb/library/do/census/results/image?surname=Sweet&givenname=Amos&series=2&state=1&hitcount=3&p=1&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3Bcensus%3B294245%3B1677589%3B2%3B1&searchtype=1&offset=1
4. Amos Sweet from Uylsses, 1800 United States Census, Heritage Quest online, New York State, Cayuga County, Ulysses. Series M32, Roll 28, Page 578. Accessed Sep 18, 2013.
5. Amos Sweet from Burlington, Otswego, 1800 United States Census, Heritage Quest online, New York State, Otswego County, Burlington. Series M32, Roll 25, Page 38. Accessed Sep 18, 2013.
6. Hunting for the Ancestry of Sarah Grace Sweet, research done in 2011 by Allyson Hunt Wood. Unpublished, research notes are combined in a book and in a personal tracker for Sarah Grace Sweet. Allyson Hunt Wood, 1221 W. Ashby Road, Delta, Ut 84624. allysonhuntwood@gmail.com.
7. Amos Sweet, 1800 United States Census, Familysearch.org online. Accessed Sep 18, 2013.
8. Amos Sweet, 1810 United States Census, Heritage Quest online, New York State, Dutchess County, Beekman. Series: M252, Roll 30: Page 54. Accessed Sep 18, 2013.
9. Amos Sweet, 1810 United States Census, Heritage Quest online, Massachusetts State, Bristol County, Attleboro. Series: M252, Roll 17: Page 212. Accessed Sep 18, 2013.
10. Amos Sweet, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1 15" https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-T2N "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, <i>FamilySearch</i> (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-T2N : accessed 19 Sep 2013), Amos Sweet, 30 Jun 1766.
11. Sarah Sweet's birth information from Rootsweb, Silversmith: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~silversmiths/makers/silversmiths/205230.htm
12. Sarah Sweet's birth information from Alford Sweets compilation of John Sweet family. Generation 8, #11. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~alford/sweet.pdf
Sarah Sweet information from DAR Vol. 59, Page 114.
http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SWEET/1998-08/0904002661Mrs. Emma Blackington Davidson's submission shows that Thomas Sweet (1741-1830) and Margaret Foster are the parents of Sally.
13. Sally Sweet, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-K9 "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-K91 : accessed 19 Sep 2013), Sally Sweet, 03 Oct 1796.

15. Sumner Sweet, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915" https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDB-H62 "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDB-H62 : accessed 19 Sep 2013), Sumner Sweet, 27 May 1800.
16. Margreet Sweet, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915" https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-J4D "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-J4D : accessed 19 Sep 2013), Margreet Sweet, 14 Feb 1802.
17. Amos Sweet, Amos Sweet, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915" https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-T2K. "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, <i>FamilySearch</i> (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-T2K : accessed 19 Sep 2013), Amos Sweet, 03 Dec 1804.
18. Hannah Sweet, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915". https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-5CM "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, <i>FamilySearch</i> (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDY-5CM : accessed 19 Sep 2013), Hannah Sweet, 19 Feb 1810.
19. Joabert Sweet, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915" https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDB-ZF2 "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, <i>FamilySearch</i> (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VQDB-ZF2 : accessed 19 Sep 2013), Joabert Sweet, 03 Jan 1812.
20. Sweats from the 1801 United States Census, Heritage Quest online, New York State, http://persi.heritagequestonline.com.ulc.idm.oclc.org/hqoweb/library/do/census/results/hitlist?surname=Sweat&series=3&expandstate=1&yc=70&countyid=760&hitcount=20
21. Alford Sweet's Descendants of John Sweet : a compiled genealogy of his descendants including some from 12 generations and 33 pages. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~alford/sweet.pdf
22. Find a Grave, online interment site; www.findagrave.com
Resources Searched which yielded no results:
Sources researched for:
Amos Sweet 9/20/2013
New York, Marriages, 1686-1980
New York, Orange County Probate Records, 1787-1938
Albany Tax list for Hoosick 1779 - shows a Samuel Sweet
New York, Albany Will & Intestate Records Table of Contents accessed 9/20/2013
New York, Orange County Probate Records, 1787-1938
Albany Tax list for Hoosick 1779 - shows a Samuel Sweet
New York, Albany Will & Intestate Records Table of Contents accessed 9/20/2013
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