Sunday, November 8, 2020

Naming Patterns

Sarah Grace Sweet family.

We have previous records that show Grace's families include:


Zenos Conger Warren  b. 3 January 1799 in Egg Harbor City, Atlantic, New Jersey, d. 4 March 1836 in Oakland, Oakland, Michigan.  

Sarah "Grace" Sweet b 13 January 1799 (this record shows her death date so is not proven correct and comes from family/Nora's history) in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, d. 4 July 1863 in Spanish Fork, Utah, Utah.  They were married 4 March 1823 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York.


John Wilford Warren, born 1824 in Penfield, Monroe, New York.  Died 1848 in Oakland, Michigan.

Charles Wesley Warren, born 3 January 1826 in Penfield, Monroe, New York, and died 23 May 1896 in Spanish Fork, Utah, Utah.

William James Warren, born 11 March 1828 in Penfield, Monroe, New York and died 10 November 1900 in Argyle Creek, Carbon, Utah.

Amos Sweet Warren, 10 June 1831 in Hartland, Niagara, New York and died 11 October 1909 in Springville, Utah, Utah.

Mary Dorcas Warren, born 7 May 1833 in Somerset, Niagara, New York and died 18 December 1855 in Springville, Utah, Utah 


Daniel Wood born 27 June 1788 in Jaffrey, Cheshire, New Hampshire, and died 12 October 1878 in Spanish Fork, Utah. Utah.  

Daniel had previously married Abigail "M" Wellington, born 9 August 1788, and died 8 December 1834 in Royal Oak, Oakland, Michigan.  They were married 17 August 1813 in Jaffrey, Cheshire, New Hampshire.  (Source:  New Hampshire Marriages 1720-1920).  Records from Find a Grave show Abby's birthdate as 9 Aug 1791 from Boston, Suffolk, MA, death info the same.  She is buried in Franklin Cemetery in Franklin, Oakland, MI.  Her father is Enoch Wellington and her husband was Daniel Wood.

Daniel then married Sarah "Grace" Sweet on 27 August 1837 in Oakland, Michigan almost three years after his first wife's death and one year after Zenos death.  

THEY HAD ONE CHILD - Named after Daniel's first wife.

Wellington Wood, born 17 August 1841 in Royal Oak, Oakland, Michigan and died 24 March 1920 in Spanish Fork, Utah, Utah. 

Wellington married Mary Elizabeth Warner on 2 February 1874 in Salt Lake City, Utah.


William Daniel Wood 1875-1879

James Morris Wood 1877-1940

Mary Darcus Wood 1880-1948

Geneva Wood 1882-1964

Amos Benoni Wood 1884-1955

Grace immigrated 12 Sep 1850 in the Aaron Johnson Company to Utah.


Amos Sweet, born

Dorcas _____, born



Amos Sweet b. about 1791

Elias E Sweet, born 1784 in Rensselaer, Rensselaer, New York.  Died 1832

Sarah "Grace" Sweet - see above

Lydia Sweet born 1802 of Stephentown, Rensselaer, New York. Died 1885

  (Source for Amos and Dorcas family is Betty Wood)

Note:   Research on Sarah Grace's family is also hard to find primary sources.  Information in her history shows that her father Amos is the son of Amos Sweet and Elizabeth Straight.  This has been proven highly unlikely as stated above, he having married Mercy Carpenter.

Nora Carter, granddaughter of Sarah Grace states that Grace's parents lived in the Mohawk Valley.  Hoosick is not in the Mohawk Valley.

Naming patterns of Grace and Zenos Warren show:

     John Wilford Warren   (John is Zenos' fathers name)  (Wilford ?)

     Charles Wesley Warren  (Charles ?  Wesley?)

     Amos Sweet Warren - (third son named after Grace's father?)

     Mary Dorcas - (Zenos's mother was named Mary, Grace's mother was named Dorcas).  I like this.

Then Grace married Daniel Wood, and they had one son Wellington, who was named after Daniel's first wife.  

Wilford in Hoosick pdf - none

Wesley in Hoosick pdf - one from 1848 from Jefferson Matteson, Jonathan Matteson, David Matteson, Alice Sweet.

Charles in Hoosick pdf -  Alice Sweet, twin of Henry has many Charles in her line, however it is well documented with many names, but not Amos.  She was born 10 Jul 1700 in East Greenwich, Kent, RI.

Dorcas also shows up in this line.

Amos does not at all.

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